Christmas Market on náměstí Svobody

The dynamic and lively náměstí Svobody (Freedom square) is a place to meet, have fun and make new friends, and this is no different during the Brno Christmas. In addition to Christmas tree with a collection box and a wish bell you'll see the Christmas tram go by here. A popular centrepiece of the local Christmas market is the Winter bar offering punches, cider and ginger drinks.

The offerings at the other stalls will also be diverse. At the Christmas market you can taste a variety of specialties, excellent gastronomy is one of the attractions of Brno Christmas. There will also be stalls with products suitable as gifts under the Christmas tree for your loved ones. In total, you will find on náměstí Svobody (Freedom square) 62 stalls.

Daily cultural and musical programme will play on the entire square - Brno will thus live up to its title of UNESCO European Creative City of Music even in winter. You can look forward to two concerts a day and local performances on Saturdays. folklore scenes. The entertainment is always at 3 p.m. special programme for children, which will be provided either by the children themselves or by theatre groups.